HF Sophisticated Certificate Display Folio - Human Fit Craft HF Sophisticated Certificate Display Folio - Human Fit Craft

HF Sophisticated Certificate Display Folio

SKU: 3428 Category: Tag:

Customize your HF premium certificate holder with engraving options, flexible handle attachments, adjustable binder sizes, versatile portfolio dimensions, personalized organization features, and the ability to accommodate unexpected customizations.

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  • Personalizable HF deluxe certificate holder with a variety of engraving choices
  • Conveniently detachable and attachable handles for flexibility
  • Optional inclusion or exclusion of binder and clip components for customization
  • Flexibility to switch between 2-ring or 4-ring binder options, replacing the 3-ring binder
  • Choice to upgrade the binder size from 1-inch to 1.5-inch or 2-inch for enhanced capacity
  • Versatile portfolio size options, including junior, legal, or customizable dimensions
  • Addition or removal of pockets, pen slots, card slots, etc., to suit individual organization needs
  • Possibility to select alternative leather materials or colors for non-urgent orders
  • Adaptation to unexpected customizations based on specific requirements

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